Tuesday, August 28, 2007

week 6 #13,14,15

Ok, I found the bookmark site exciting but had no luck
understanding it.

Tagging could be fun but did not understand.

Future of libraries was interesting. When I have a patron who
shows interest, I will let them know about this site.

Again granny's not the computer wiz and knows that she will
never use this technology once this 23 things is over.

Maybe if I understood this type of technology I would enjoy
doing this.

All in all granny's coping.

Friday, August 24, 2007

week 5 #11 and 12

Checked out the library thing. Some people liked to read
what I liked. I like christian writers.

Rollyo not so interesting.

Granny's next stop week 6. I'am still hanging in there.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

week 5 #10

Granny is now into wk 5 #10. I really had fun

with avatar. Once I got going I didn't want to

stop. So far this has been the easiest of the

23 things. Of course I had a nice co-worker

to help me with the transfer of the avatar

to my blog. On to #11 and 12.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

week 4 #9

Ok. I looked up Merlin and read the news feeds.
You may fine two # 9 listed because I could not
see the first one that I posted, You see what I
mean about not knowing about technology.

week 4 # 9

Ok. I looked at Merlin and enjoyed reading library related-
blogs and news feed. Again this isn't granny's thing, but
I'll keep on trying.

week 4 #8

Granny is now in week #4 with the help of my
co-worker. RSS was fun to look at and interesting.
I found alot of info on subjects that I liked. Granny
is off to do #9.